You will be able to secure your spot immediately upon registering, but this is only part one of registration. After your purchase, you will be required to log in to our Camp Portal, where you will submit details about your child, such as emergency contacts, allergy information, and more. You must submit these details at least 2 weeks prior to the first day of camp. This information will remain in our system, and will be available for any future camp registrations.
If your child’s information has already been added to the Camp Portal, you must still log in and assign your child to the camp you registered for. You can also update any information as needed.
Age Group
Camps are geared towards children aged 6 through 10.
Each weekly camp is limited to 20 campers.
Camps begin at 8:30am and end at 4:45pm. We are unable to accommodate campers before the camp start time.
If you are late picking up your child, you will incur an additional fee of $20 per 15-minute increment.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Parents/guardians are required to provide two emergency contacts. Adults not listed on the registration form will not be permitted to take campers home unless a parent/guardian provides written consent. Photo ID is required for all adults picking up campers at the end of each day.
A parent/guardian must accompany the camper to the designated drop-off area and sign the camper in/out each day.
Catered Lunch & Snacks
Don’t feel like packing a lunch? Science Alliance Camps come with the option to add on catered lunches from Origins Kitchen! Snacks are included in the camp price. Menus will be adjusted for those with special dietary needs but may be subject to an additional fee. See the menu here.
What to Bring
Campers must wear closed-toed shoes that attach to the feet. Please dress for the weather.
Your child should bring:
- Lunch (if catering has not been added on)
- A refillable water bottle
- Any special medications or medical devices as outlined in your registration form
- We ask that your child not bring electronic devices from home (ie. phones, tablets, gaming devices) due to risk of loss or damage
- Culinary campers should have long hair tied back
Refund Policy
Cancellations received less than 5 days prior to the start of the camp session will not receive any refund of fees, unless a doctor’s certificate stating medical reasons is presented to our staff. Cancellations received 5 to 7 days prior to the start of camp will be refunded 50% of fees. Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to the start of camp will be refunded 90% of fees.
Behavioural Expectations
The Exploration Place strives to provide an environment free from violence and bullying. Campers disrupting the safety and enjoyment of others may require an immediate pick-up. Continued violent or bullying behaviours, after all other reasonable actions have been taken, may result in the de-registration of your child. De-registrations due to behavioural issues will be accompanied by a pro-rated refund for any days of camp the child misses.