by duc_admin | Nov 27, 2021
John McInnis’s Desk John McInnis came to Prince George in 1910 to practice his trade as a carpenter in the rapidly-growing town site of South Fort George Once his contracting business grew to include lumber sales, he opened the business on a property which took up two...
by duc_admin | Nov 27, 2021
John R. Giscome Crossing the Portage by Richard Estell. Oil on canvas, 2002. Prospectors John R. Giscome and Henry McDame are considered to be the first two non-native men to cross Lhedesti, (“the shortcut”) between the Fraser and Peace river systems. They...
by duc_admin | Nov 27, 2021
Knox United Church In November 1922, A new Knox Presbyterian Church complete with a basement, vestry, balcony above the entrance lobby, and offices was officially opened on five lots at the corner of 5th Avenue and Brunswick Street in Prince George. The building was...
by duc_admin | Nov 27, 2021
Knox United Church Bell The bell located outside Knox United Church downtown was purchased by the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church, built in Central Fort George in 1911. The 44″ 1,000 pound bell was manufactured by the C.S. Bell Company. Go back to...
by duc_admin | Nov 26, 2021
Large Spruce Dollar This approximately one and a half metre diameter spruce dollar was made for a BC Dental Association conference in 1966. Go back to 100+ PG...